Why you’d need an extraction?

Tooth extraction Lancaster

Although an adult is meant to remain with their permanent teeth for life, there are a few reasons that may push for there to be a need for a tooth extraction. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to be afraid and fearful when a tooth extraction is recommended to solve your dental complication. Unlike in the past, when teeth extractions were characterized by numerous tools, a lot of vibrations, and a lot of pain, the procedures we do today are nothing close to that expectation. At Lancaster Dental Care Associates, for example, our dentists always ensure that if you need one, then you will only get the simplest and safest tooth extraction Lancaster experience.

Why you’d need an extraction

Among the reasons that may lead you to get a tooth extraction Lancaster procedure is a crowded mouth. This is whereby there are too many teeth on the jawbone, to the extent that the jawbone can’t support them efficiently. As such, the appear congested in the mouth, and this can affect you both functionally and also in appearance. To curb this, you need to get a bone graft to add to the bone matter, and while doing this, some of your teeth may need to be extracted. Tooth decay can also severely affect your teeth and leave an extraction of the affected tooth as the only solution for the condition. Other reasons for teeth extraction are infections to the pulp of the tooth, as well as the risk of infection to a particular tooth. This commonly occurs in cancer patients, especially due to chemotherapy. Infections on the gum may also cause a tooth to become loose, and extraction is one of the remedies we recommend in such an instance.

What to Expect?

Before getting a tooth extracted, the dentist will first administer local anesthesia. This is meant to numb the area of any pain during the procedure. In case the teeth extracted are many, the dentist may decide to use strong general anesthesia. Unlike local anesthesia which only numbs you during the operation, with general anesthesia, you lose consciousness such that you are asleep throughout the procedure. The dentist will then get into the extraction process, using the equipment available at our clinic. Some teeth may be difficult to extract, and as such, the dentist has to extract them in bits. After the extraction, blood is expected to clot on the open socket, and the dentist will give you a gauze pad to bite onto the affected part.


After the extraction, the dentist will issue you with a couple of pain relievers which you’ll need once the anesthesia wears off. You should leave the gauze pad on the affected part for about 2 hours. You can change the pad occasionally to stop it from getting soaked with blood. You could also place a bag of ice on the affected area just after the procedure. This will ensure that swelling doesn’t occur. It would also be good to take a day off and rest at home after the procedure.

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