Teeth Cleaning Lancaster


Stages followed in teeth cleaning

Most people are not familiar with the ease and convenience of teeth cleaning Lancaster in cosmetic dentistry. For people with stained and discolored teeth, we usually recommend tooth cleaning since it is much simpler and faster as compared to teeth whitening or bleaching.

What’s more, with tooth cleaning, you won’t have to worry about lengthy sessions at the dentist. It is a straightforward procedure that we usually perform on a day to day basis.

At Lancaster Dental Care Associates, we perform teeth cleaning services for both children and adults. You can consult our dental professionals to get the best dental cleaning services.

Stages involved

At Lancaster Dental Care Associates, we usually perform teeth cleaning Lancaster in stages as treatment progresses. Depending going on the number of teeth being cleaned, this dental procedure can take one to three days to fully complete.

Before we can perform any tooth cleaning, the first thing we do is a screening of the dental structure.

Screening and assessment

During the screening, our dentists will do a thorough check of your teeth to determine how much cleaning needs to be done and if other dental complications might hinder the treatment process. If any, the dentist may recommend that they are first treated to avoid any risks during treatment.

At this stage, the dentist decides on the amount of cleaning required about the shade of the tooth and how long it would take to clean the tooth altogether.

After this stage, the dentist moves on to removing debris between and around the teeth.

Removing plaque

Removing plaque is not a very complicated process in teeth cleaning Lancaster. We use individual dental appliances to remove visible bits of plaque around the teeth. The dentist may also use cleaning mouthwash to permanently rid of any deposited plaque and debris from the teeth.

The procedure is usually painless and won’t require any sedation before dental treatment. After all the plaque is removed, the dentist can now move to the third stage which is cleaning the teeth enamel.

Toothpaste cleaning

This is the most critical procedure in teeth cleaning Lancaster. Here, the dentist will use a special toothpaste to perform a deep cleaning on your teeth. The dentist may use whitening toothpaste which is used for reducing the stains on teeth. After this procedure, your teeth are left brighter than ever.

The strained layer is removed, and the white shade of the enamel is revealed. At Lancaster Dental Care Associates we recommend maintaining regular dental health to prevent the tooth enamel from becoming stained again.

Deep flossing

Deep flossing involves the use of special dental floss in removing deposited particles between teeth. Deep flossing is essential since it helps reduce chances of bacterial infections from deposited food particles in between the teeth.

After deep flossing, the dentist then rinses the teeth to remove any debris or toothpaste left on the enamel.


This procedure is meant to clean the teeth and make them free of any foreign material. After rinsing, the dentist can choose to use fluoride treatment to protect your teeth from any staining.

The fluoride is usually applied to cover the tooth and make it more resilient to stains and potential infections.


Lancaster Dental Care Associates
2030 West Ave. J
Lancaster, CA 93536
Phone: 661-215-8130
Fax: 661-949-0558

Office Hours

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