What to Expect During and After Oral Surgery
Dental issues aren't something you want to deal with. But problems arise, and when they do, you want to get them taken care of as soon as possible. Occasionally, oral surgery is the answer to your dental needs. But it can be overwhelming and make you feel anxious.
Fortunately, oral surgery is nothing to fear. At Lancaster Dental Care Associates, located in Lancaster, California, our team helps you with any dental issue that may arise. Our team includes four skilled dental professionals who evaluate your condition along with the need for oral surgery.
Conditions that require oral surgery
Oral surgery is a specialty within the dental profession that aims to fix certain dental issues with advanced procedures. Oral surgery isn’t just about your teeth. It also treats your jaw and other areas around your mouth.
Many conditions can be treated through oral surgery. Whether you need a tooth extraction, or you’re opting for dental implants, oral surgery can help. Other reasons include:
- Impacted wisdom teeth
- TMJ disorder
- Infections
- Sleep apnea
You may also require surgery if your jaw isn’t growing properly or if it isn’t in alignment with the other part of your jaw.
Implant-supported dentures are another common oral surgery.
When you’re told you need to have oral surgery, it can be scary because you might not know what to expect. Being informed and ready for surgery greatly increases your success rate during and after the procedure. Also, learning about oral surgery makes the prospect less anxiety-inducing.
What happens during the procedure
The type and duration of your surgery depend on the severity of your condition. Because surgery is an invasive procedure, it’s reserved for only those cases that can benefit.
For most types of oral surgery, you’ll have a type of sedation. Our team will let you know what type of anesthesia is best for you. If you’re asleep for the procedure, an anesthesia professional monitors your breathing and vital signs during surgery. Our team then fixes the problem, and you won’t feel any pain.
Once the surgery is complete, our team monitors you in our office afterward to make sure there aren’t any complications. If you were given anesthesia, you’ll need to have someone with you to drive you home because you will still be drowsy.
Recovering after surgery
After oral surgery, you could have some swelling and discomfort where the procedure was performed. Make sure to relax for the rest of the day and avoid any strenuous activity. Other ways to make sure you have a successful recovery include:
Apply ice
Ice is your best friend after oral surgery. It helps to reduce inflammation and also alleviates some of the pain. Apply the ice in 15-minute intervals, and make sure not to put the ice directly on your skin. Instead, wrap the ice in a towel or washcloth.
Eat soft foods
Due to swelling, chewing can be difficult after surgery. You’ll want to stick to smooth and soft foods, such as yogurt, pudding, or soup.
Take your pain meds
Taking your pain medications as prescribed eases discomfort in your mouth. Over-the-counter medications also help with inflammation and swelling. Make sure to take these medications with food, as they can upset your stomach.
Watch for infection
Our team sometimes prescribes antibiotics following oral surgery to help prevent infection. However, you should still keep an eye out for signs such as a fever or redness and swelling after two to three days.
The best thing to do after surgery is to follow our team’s instructions exactly. That ensures a speedy and worry-free recovery.
Want to learn more about oral surgery? If so, call our office to schedule a consultation at 661-282-7512, or you can book an appointment online.